
Hey there! I'm Genesis, have a look around! d(°∀°d)

About me

Basic info

  • 23

  • Black

  • Non-binary transmasc || Omnisexual/Bisexual Demiaroace

  • Autistic ADHD

  • They/He/Pup

  • Self taught & Been doing art for a little under a decade

Current interests

  • My little pony: Friendship is magic

  • Danganronpa

  • Bojack Horsemen

  • The Simpsons


Status: OPEN

Prices in USD

Simple character art

Will be fully colored with a simple background

  • Bust - $15

  • Halfbody - $20

  • Full body - $30

  • Icons are $10

  • Extra character will be +$5 for Simple character art

Complex character art

Can have either simple or complex background

  • 1 character - $60

  • ** 2 characters - $90**

Refernce sheet

Furry reference sheets are preferred but I can also do human

  • Simple design - $100

  • Complex design - Ask me so we can figure out pricing

Terms of service

  • **I take payments through Venmo, Cashapp, Paypal or Ko-fi. **

  • I'll take half the payment once we've agreed on what's being done then the other half once I've finished and sent you the commission.

  • I will send a partial refund if I cannot complete the commission or if it is canceled based on how much I have done.

  • Please send clear image references or written descriptions with reference images.

  • I can send W.I.P. pictures if requested.

  • Do not claim the commission as your own art, please credit me trough putting my @/ somewhere or pinging me directly in the description.

Will NOT draw

  • Real people

  • Hate speech/Political things

  • Heavy nsfw [Nudity and slightly suggestive is okay]

  • Gore

  • Armor and mechs

Extra info

  • You can DM me through Twitter/Discord, If I don't respond I'm either busy or asleep but I'll try to respond within a day.

  • Complex designs might be charged extra, if you're unsure just ask!

Art gallery

Will change every few months!